So Bluestack for Mac is out but seems to be limited to only a few select apps with no market place.
Well I worked out how to get GoLauncher on it, very easily which basically breaks you free to do whatever you want like a regular android device.
How do you do this? Simple, launch the twitter app on it, find a weblink and click it. This will open the browser on the device as Twitter uses the built in browser.
Click the Url in the title and you can change it to go to a new URL. So go to Google and type Opera appstore into Google or go to below URL basically:
GO Launcher EX 3.17
Once downloaded, pull down notification bar and tap it then tap install and open. You may notice, it looks a little funny.
What I did was change it to use the Nexus Live wallpaper, this doesn't appear correctly but gets rid of the wallpaper looking incorrect in the background and the Nexus one thought not appearing correctly, does fill the screen properly.
Next, go into the menu for Go Launcher and into preferences, set it to vertical (disable keyboard) for orientation and change it to display 4X4 icons.
Go into menu and find settings, there are two side by side. Hit the one with the default Android icon (not the one with the default settings icon).
Now tap change app size and select tablet for Go Launcher and tap done and exit out. tap the bluestack icon at the bottom (which functions as the home button) and a menu will appear asking which launcher you wish to use. Select always use this one and tap Go Launcher and your done.
Update 1: Upon restarting it, the Nexus live wallpaper actually worked properly for me so 100% success. From here I used, the browser icon in Go Launcher to launch stock browser, got an apk for Opera mini and installed it. Once you start that, it comes with speedial shortcut to Opera app store for other apps.